Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Day Went Perfectly

I recently celebrated my 20th birthday :D I was/have been really happy; unusually happy the days leading up to the actual birth date. I don't know why, like I was not expecting anything, I was just really happy.. maybe cos I'm in a really good place where I feel like I'm doing something with my life :D haha! Also being really positive and knowing that with God's help I can pull through difficulties :D

Last sunday, 4th of March I was SUPER surprised by my some church peeps at Pancake Parlour. Initially I thought Eleanor, Lionel and I were gonna have a one-to-one catch up sesh before they got married and depart for Singapore. However, I was SUPER surprised when I saw a whole group of familiar faces looking at my direction and smiling. My first thought when I saw them was "What? Was there an event? Why wasn't I invited" and "OMG, how awkward if they are all there and I'm here with Erjia and Lionel". HEHE but in the end the event was for me :D SAHH HAPPY!!! THEY EVEN GOT ME A CAKE!! I love birthday cakes :D We played a game called 'electric shock'. They got me to do a 'speech' and I managed to string some 'thank you'se'; calling that a speech. haha. Erjia and Lionel also said some really really nice stuff :) I was really really touched. I don't know what to do when Erjia leaves :"""( Then I posed a question to those who were above 20'se to give 'tips for a 20 year old'. There were a whole range.. like.. learn from mistakes, study hard, be yourself, 20 is like a new/fresh start, play HARD and others :D Here's a group picture.

sigh I was so happy :D
The morning of the 5th of March, there were 2 letters left infront of my door step :D It was so cool and mysterious even though it didn't take long for me to wonder who left it there: *ahem ahem* Kim-anh and Jess *ahem ahem* Sigh :) There's something about personally written letters that makes its reader feel special. I LOVED THEM!

Through out the day I got texts and wishes. IT WAS SOOO FUN! The only little 'down-side' was that my birthday fell on a monday, which is the BUSIEST day I have in uni.. like.. 5 hours straight of tutes and lectures -.-" BUT! It was only a little thing cos (like I said before) I've been really happy. haha!

That evening, I went out for dinner with a friend :D We went to Ajisen ramen.. pretty yum! I recommend the 'matcha' drink with ice-cream but I think my friend would probably not recommend it.. just cos it's 'too asian' LOL!

Came home, and got a visit from the Shamster!! haha she brought me a super awesome bag (that I've been wanting since last year) & a letter. Here's a picture of the bag :D

I fell asleep really happy and blessed :D God has really blessed me with so much support and love, I'm just absolutely spoilt!! Haha I thank God for His love and care.

6th of March! I'm still very happy haha! My family had a little birthday celebration at a korean BBQ place. Here are some pictures :D

LOOK AT THE FAT!!! and just before the wedding -.-" FAIL

Lee Family :D haha 

Mum & Lena

Daddy & I :D His mouth NEVER stays still in any picture he takes -.-"

Us with Josey boy :D
On the way back from dinner, Dad, Mum and I had a really good conversation about age. Dad was like, "Not to give you any ideas.. but your mum married me when she was 19 and you're 20" HAHAHAH!! sigh really daddy?? How can THAT not give me any ideas -.-"" but nahh :D I'm happy.

Anyway, being twenty is awesome :D I feel like twenty is a very very very young age, obviously not as young as josiah and other babies.. but it's not an old age either..? If you guys know what I mean haha. I feel like I've lived a really crazy life as well.. I just can't believe that it has ONLY been twenty years.. like.. wow, life is so crazy! It's so wild and eventful haha. To be honest, I also feel that my parents are pretty 'young' even though they are middle age and have lived life so much. Even though their hair is grey, they wear glasses and the list goes on.. They are still SO active! They are always talking, arguing, laughing, teaching and playing around :) It's just amazing how time has flown by so fast. Haha! Anyway, I don't think what I wrote above made sense and I'd prolly fail ESL for it.. but.. hmm these have been on my mind recently :) THANK GOD FOR FAMILY!