Wednesday, June 20, 2012

done done done

Exams are finally over :D
It feels odd going on youtube or exploring blogs and such without feeling guilty.
The day has finally come when I'm free to do whatever I wish to do! Here's my list of winter things to do in no particular order:
  1. sew more
  2. work on BTF (born to fly) program
  3. finish LOTR - I started this book last year before I left for vietnam and still have not finished it.
  4. re-colour my hair
  5. tie-dye? - don't know how successful this will be cos of the weather un-sunny weather
  6. work work work work, save save save - note the 4 'work'se and 3 'save'se ? :D I can't obviously save all and in reality not spend some.. hence the less number of 'save'se.
  7. chillin with the besties
  8. exercise & eat better - especially after exam and winter binging
  9. Sydney OH YEAH - I have my own list of things to do in Sydney :D
  • Hillsong conference
  • opshop hunting & market exploring
  • chilling with besties that will be going to sydney as wells!
Wish me luck :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I like them fried :D

My eating pattern this week is really weird.. I've just been eating more than usual. There are a few possible reasons why but none I'm sure of :D i.e. 1) winter is here and the cold's making me wanna binge- eat 2) I'm pms-ing 3) I've been doing too many things and not eating, then when I do eat I'm super hungry and eat ALOOOOT.

A few nights ago, I had an additional 5 pieces of toasts with my already quite big dinner -.-" That same night I was craving for fried oreos even though I had not tried fried oreos in my life. I was truly wondering where this craving was coming from. Because only till recently, I've never ever ever ever thought or wished of eating/making fried oreos cos of its huge calorie content -.-" Anyway! googled how to make fried oreos and made some tonight :D I deep fried it in the house which prompted an earful from the parents -.-" such an anti-climax.

Steps are simple:
1) freeze oreos for 1+ hours
2) mix self raising flour, water and milk to make a thick batter
3) coat and deep fry in already very hot oil

Here are some pictures

Saturday, June 2, 2012

favourite playlist

A few years back I came across Yuna when I accidentally found Zee Avi. They are both female, Malaysia which is SUPER AWESOME! Yuna's from Kedah, hmm kedah pride ;D ! Anyway, they are both independent singer-songwriter but are signed to a company now. Hmm don't know how that works.. but I know they sound awesome! Anyway, found a playlist on youtube. check it!