Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm at uni today.. Studying is so boring, but you know what's more boring? Staying at home and not doing anything.. yeah.. that's what I did yesterday and the day before -.-" You must be thinking 'why don't she just study at home?' Well... It's super hard to study at home! because..
1) (If) I study in my room, I would just want to sleep and lay there and do nothing 2) (If) I study in the dining room, it would be too close to the living area and kitchen where mum and dad would be talking, cooking, etc and I would join them in conversation and not do any work.
3) (If) I go to the library to study it wouldn't be that fun because my friends would not be there cos they all have uni on Tuesday and Wednesday :( and I'd end up reading Women's Weekly, Vogue, WHO and other magazines..
4) I would start bringing out the musical instruments and play with them
5) Sometimes Josiah would be at our place, and he would distract me calling me 'Auntie Shoonahh?' eheheh with his cute little accent
6) I would "waste" time by going to the gym
7) I would start tumblring or blogging (like now.. 'cept i am in uni now lol!)
Basically, I'd get super distracted! Studying in uni is better :D because EVERYONE is studying around you! lol, there's like a collective act of studying happening around.. like a flow of studying energy that you can jump into :D

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