Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just because I can!! and cos exams are over :D

Exams are over for me!!!! WOOHOOOOO *crowd cheers*

I just finished my last paper at 4:30pm today :D YAAAY! It feels surreal lol (like always) because during the revision/exam period, I've been trying to control the amount of 'fun' I would be having.. like no kdrama, no book reading, no hanging out with friends, no late nights, no watching tv with the rents, no shopping, no beaching, no nothing!! NOW... I CAN DO WHATVEER I WANT! without feeling guilty :D

When I was in Sydney over the weekend for the concert, I was even thinking of my last paper.. -.-" it wasn't stressful or whatever, it's just that I was constantly reminding myself that I have an exam and I gotta study and stuff when the concert ended. I even brought my text book to the concert, so I can study while waiting for the gates to open -.-" !!! lol and see what happened to it!

yeahh... we lost our bag, and the fan girls and fan boys trampled on everything in the moshpit...! my nice book, tripled in size! The papers were all crumpled and coated with chewing gum, dirt, food particles and what not -.-"!!! It was totally unusable and disgusting.. so, the next day we went to kinokuniya, which is btw the BEST BOOOK STORE EVAAAAH, to grab my text book :D That's the new book in the bottom picture. LOL

lol, so anyways... now! After my last exam, it just feels weird.. surreal that I actually CAN watch my kdrama, variety show, read a book, start sewing, hang out with friends, go on facebook (without feeling like im wasting time) with total abandon! lol, now I can fulfill my plans for the summer :D first stop? watching a Bollywood film with Sharmeen :D YAAAAY! GIVE ME SOME AWESOME SONGS BABEH!

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