Thursday, May 10, 2012

A pretty awesome week so far

** meant to be studying but, let's blog!!! hehe, I think Kim-anh agrees with me, but it's always during intense studying periods that we blog the most haha! <3 it! ABSOLUTELY <3 it!

Sunday: I won my first tennis match!! WOOHOO! It was a singles game and we were versing girls from North Balwyn Tennis Club. Score was 7-5, 3-6, 6-3. Sigh, at the end of the first set I was already hoping for the game to end just cos it was a pretty slow and long game that consisted of TONNES of deuces! One game we reached approximately 6 deuces -.-" THATS TOO MUCH! By the time we reached the first half of the second set all the other teams finished their matches and my opponent and I were pretty much screaming for the match to end -.-" Unfortunately, she resisted the urge to end early and we moved on to the 3rd set. By that time, I was thinking 'let's get this over and done with.. just play percentage shots' i.e. shots that were consistent and would get within the lines: no fancy pants! I also pretty much prayed every time one of us started serving (that I would serve in and that I would return well) it was the whole works,, like full on interceding and speaking in tongues hehe. I just truly wanted to go home! :D TEEHEE So, that's what I did, and we finally finished that set. WOOHOO! I was so happy, so relieved and so drained. THANK YOU GOD FOR HELPING ME WIN! :D

Monday: Mondays always start off with carpooling into uni, starting/finishing off my chinese assignments, sprinting around campus to get my cover sheets printed and finally sprinting up 4 flights of stairs before the clock strikes 12:30pm to hand in the assignment :D HEHE it's always awesome to get the exercise :D

This past monday was slightly different because while starting off my assignment at Wholefoods, a random asian chick came to say 'hi'! Well, not exactly.. the first thing she said was 'hey i like the way your did your hair... is it ombre? How much did you get it done for?' (at least something along those lines) HEHE I love it how random people stop me on the streets to ask me about my hair and how I got it done, etc. Anyway, being my presumptuous self, I proceeded to explain how I dyed it by myself and what I did when she stopped me short saying that she just liked how it looked on me but wouldn't dye her hair the same way. To be honest, I was really surprised! haha, cos usually people would come up to me and asked me how I got it down, where did I get the bleach, etc.. but she didn't! which surprised me!! Anyway, I invited her to take a sit and we chatted for almost 50 minutes on our courses, monash clubs, Hokkien, you know the usuals..? haha ;D

I really thank God for giving me the opportunity to talk to someone as interesting as her :D Such, little surprises really brighten one's day!

Music: My playlist for this week is One Eskimo. A pretty awesome friend introduced the band to me and since then I've been hooked! Out of the songs I've heard, 'Balloon' is my top favourite for the moment :D

I also miss the sisters that were in the same house with me :(

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