Friday, October 28, 2011


I extremely dislike it when third parties think they know more about my family or about myself. For instance, yesterday dad's men's prayer group came over to our place because this week was our turn to host them (the host house changes every week). And there was one guy, let's say John Smith, that our family is quite close to, but I haven't seen him in ages. Anyway Dad introduced me to one of his friends and said I was the tallest out of all the sisters, in his words 'youngest but tallest'. Then John Smith was like 'Hey Ken, I think your oldest daughter is taller.' Uhhh.. no. lol, I wonder how he would know who is taller since the last time he saw Lena was like... what? 6 months ago? Gah! I dissssslike that. I know it is really fickle, but still... it's just annoying how some people like to get involved just to prove they might know more than you.

I find it annoying when visitors park on the driveway. It's so inconvenient for the residents of the household to get out or come in! Okay, once again, this is in relation to my dad's prayer group. I came home from lifegroup finding 2 cars parked on our driveway. ZOMG I was really annoyed cos that meant that I had to wait for them to leave later that night and then come out of the house later to drive my car into the garage! I reckon this screams INCONVENIENCE. But you know what was even more annoying? When I saw Eleanor's car parked on the side street as well. OHMYGOSH! Now the majority of our cars, THE RESIDENTS OF THE HOUSE, were parked outside.. lol.. it's so annoying that I've gotta laugh. Okay, maybe people would say 'hey, they are guests you should let them park in the driveway' or 'hey, maybe they thought the cars were already in the garage' 'you should be more gracious'. Well, let me ask, is it that a huge privilege to park on the driveway? Is it so much more convenient to park on the driveway since it's 4 metres closer to the house than the sidewalk? And even if the cars WERE parked in the garage, what if one of us needed to drive somewhere because of an emergency? EVEN without the emergency, we'd have to disrupt the meeting to get one of those men to move their cars for us to get out. ZOMG now it's double inconvenience: one on us (the residents) and one on the men (the guests). Come to think about it, I've seen so many of this situations happening in the past. lol and guess what? (this is the funny part) asians are the only ones that park in the driveways. Taking an example from last night, the majority of the prayer group were all freaking asians! There was only 1 white guy there, but I think he carpooled with the other asians. Also, taking an example from today, an asian friend of mine parked her car on our driveway. coincidents? yeahhh it's more than coincidence.. it's asians.

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