Friday, October 28, 2011

V.D Entry #1

First day trying out the V.D. (Vegan Diet) :D

Breakfast- bak chang- which is a traditional chinese food made out of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings. The one my mum made had glutinous rice, corn, chick peas, pork (LOOOL! I know pork is meat and it totally killed the purpose of being vegan, but there wasn't alot of pork, just 2 pieces)
- bread roll with honey

Lunch - Half a mango with bread roll. YUMMMM, having fruit and bread is really yum, it's both simple and tasty :D

A friend came over to study today and she bought a KFC burger for her lunch -.-" my gosh, just thinking of KFC is making me salivate lol! Anyway, I guess this is one of the 'trials' of turning from a meat-lover to one that controls meat intake ahahha :D

Snack - cereal drink which surprisingly did not have any milk content! It was 'artificial creamer' lol! that had sugar and stuff. I forgot the proper names.
- 1/3 of breadtop naan bread (which had cheese inside T.T fml)

Dinner- Fried rice with vegetables and tofu with capsicum.

Today was kinda interesting because I was faced with so many chances of consuming meat, milk and cheese. and I did (!) have a little bit of cheese and meat, but only very little though FAILL T.T but still... :( I should keep to my new 'lifestyle' ahahha :D It feels good to know that I'm trying to keep to something and the achievement of that feels even better cos I can say to myself 'hey! you didn't eat meat! goood job :D!'

PS: maybe next time imma take photos of what I eat :D I'll try not to turn into one of those food freaks where they take photos of EVERYTHING they eat.

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