Friday, October 28, 2011

new resolution: VEGAN diet

The first time I heard 'vegan' I thought it was a weird cult (No offence to vegans). I don't know why I thought it was a cult.. maybe because it sounded like it was stuck in the middle, like it's part of 'vegetarian' but it's not..? lol! Coming from my background and culture no one talked about 'veganism' or 'vegans'. We knew about 'vegetarians' since in Malaysia we came across many Buddhists that chose not to eat meat because of their religious beliefs. But 'vegans' we did not know.

I think, it was only in year 12 when my Indonesian teacher (who is a vegetarian) explained to me that vegans were vegetarians but in addition to that they do not eat any animal by-products such as eggs, butter, milk, etc. They also do not use animal by-products such as fur, leather, cosmetics, etc.

So, why am I writing about vegans? :D I'll tell you WHY! :D ahaha, I came across a youtuber who looks fineeeeeeeeeeee as hell. After watching some of her videos on her main channel, I checked out her vlog channel and there was a video of her diet and exercise. I was like 'O.O! Awesome! I wanna see what she does and how she does'. So to cut the long story short, she's basically on a vegan diet for 6 days of the week and on 1 day she allows herself to eat meat :D So, obviously she's not vegan (as we all know that vegans do not support animal by-products and the reason why she's on the diet was to look good and lose weight) .. It's just that she's on a VEGAN DIET. Now, after watching her video I was prompted to maybe try out this vegan diet for 4 days a week and maybe see if there's any difference in the way I look :D. Yesss.. the way I look. Yes, I shall admit that the reason why I want to go on this vegan diet for 4 days a week is to lose weight for the summer and for Malaysia :D ahaha once again.. quite self-absorbed :S.

This morning, I told my mum about 'changing my lifestyle' it went along like this

Mummy, I want to change my lifestyle.
Hahaha, what do you mean? Okay, as long as it does not cost money. 
:D Have you heard of 'vegans'
*worried look* Vegans? Is that a cult?
Noooo. It's about not eating meat and animal by-products like eggs and milk. I'm thinking of doing that 4 days a week and the other 3 days I can eat meat.
*worried look* Are you sure it's not a cult? You better not do it.
Nooooo. It's not a cult :D It is just changing your diet. 
It's cutting down on your meat. Okay, I guess.
YAYYY! :D Mummy, you know when you cook noodles can you---
No, I can not cook separately for you it's too much work. I don't mind doing it if all of us [go on that diet]. Go ask your father if he wants to [go on that diet]
Daddy ah? sigh He sure don't want to do it. Nevermind

LOOL! When my mum asked 'is it a cult?' I was secretly laughing inside ehehe. 

Anyway, the reason why I blogged about this, is cause I wanna do a series on 'my vegan diet' just to write down how I've been feeling that day and what awesome vegan restaurants I found and stuff :D OKAY! I shouldn't reveal too much. We'll leave it to another blog entry :D

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