Monday, October 31, 2011

i know i have been raging, but i want more

I don't like floppy handshakes. A handshake would probably be the first gesture when acquainting someone. It is the first gesture you give to someone, it is the first step in getting to know someone, it is the first presentation of your character to them!! Why would you jeopardise your first step to impress someone by giving a floppy hand shake? It's like shaking hands with a dead fish.

I personally find it annoying that some guys do not look into your eyes while giving a floppy handshake.. like first I need to put up with the dumb handshake and now he's not even looking at me.. why are we shaking hands then?! It's as if he's forced to shake hands; it gives off a reluctant attitude.. 

Maybe some guys think they should shake a girl's hand 'gently' because they are females. uhhmm... Wrong! There's a huge difference between 'gentle' and floppy -.-" and often guys take the 'gentle' way too much that their hands feel lifeless. Okay, maybe the type of handshake depends on the situation.. like at a bar or party the handshake would be less businesslike and more 'gentle' in a way where the guy would  give a palm-up hand shake to a girl, flirt, etc. And at a business meeting or something the guy would give a 45 degree hand shake to a girl (as well). Fair enough with all the different types of hand shakes. But, when these handshakes are accompanied with lethargic hands... it's just no deal. Actually, come to think about it.. guys with floppy hands wouldn't have the confidence (balls) to shake hands with a random girl in the bar. :D AHAHHAA JOOOOKESSS

Now, the most irritating kinda handshakes are from girls. ZOMG, girls who give 1/2 or 1/3 hand shakes? It usually involves them pinching (???) the first section of the fingers of the person they are 'shaking hands' with. Like this:

Gah, so annoying... zomg, such handshakes just makes people feel like shit. It's like saying they don't want to even know you and they are just honouring you by offering 1/3 of their hand. LOOOOL! I don't know why the heck they would give such a stupid handshake. They would just touch your fingers and release it leaving you to wonder if that 'was a handshake? or just a little pat on the hand?' Often right.. girls who give handshakes like this don't even intend to utter a single word to you. They are the ones who feel obliged to be acquainted with you. Seriously, no point wasting your time on such people. To be honest, I doubt such a person would even give time to you because usually after the annoying handshake, she would straight away turn around and talk to that guy who's hanging over her. Cos we ALLLL know what typa girl she is ;). So I guess she saves you the trouble of trying to have a conversation with her. GOOOD ON HER! :D The other reason why a person shakes like that might just be because they saw one of those above-mentioned girls shaking hands like that and think it's cool. LOOL! 

LOOL, ok imma shut up soon about handshakes. but DO NOT give a left-handed handshake. I remember shaking a guy with my left-hand and it felt awkward, like I don't know.. rude? Because I guess it comes from some cultures where the left-hand was used to wipe their butts and was considered 'dirty' LOOOL! im serious! Like in Malaysia, there is a culture of eating with hands, but they would only use their right hand.. because it was the 'clean' hand. lol! Anyway, the culture is quite deep and I think because of that hand-shaking was always done with the right hand..? maybe?

Ummm lastly :D ahahah! I can say that I can remember different handshakes from different people. Like a handshake is significant to me because I believe it's a reflection of the person's character. I can always remember a handshake that I like and those that I don't. DUDE I can even name names of guys with floppy handshakes, girls with idiotic hand shakes and others with confident and firm hand shakes :D (if a hand shake is significant to me, I'm sure it's significant to your future employer, business associate, wife/husband, etc.) So, I hope your hand shake is good :D OH BTW, a good hand shake is one that is not a dead fish and also not a bone-crusher. check out ehow on how to shake a hand ;D

*disclaimer. I am not saying that people with floppy hand shakes aren't nice.. it might just be that they are not confident and might 'develop' later on in their years.. but seriously! who wants to shake hands with a floppy fish?! Also about the girls with the 1/3 hand shakes? I can say that girls that HAVE shaken my hands like that I've found out to be irresponsible and non-reliable. Of course, I'm not ruling out the possibility that they might be 'nice'.. but I'm just saying that for someone to intentionally make another feel inferior at a first acquaintance would be quite proud and obnoxious. Okayyyy! all opinions are based on my experiences :D

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