Thursday, November 3, 2011

V.D. Entry #2

So, this couple of days has been a crazy pile of exam revision.. and I couldn't update on my new vegan way of life...

Anyway, here's a snap shot of what I ate these couple of days


breakfast: honey and bread (yesssssss im eating honey... just cos I don't think I can forgo honey when I've forgone peanut butter and nutella :(.. so don't kill me)

lunch: I had fried noodles with veg .. I only realised tht they were egg noodles after I ate them -.-" LOL fail..

snacked on tea and fried chips and peanuts in the arvo :D

 - dinner: I don't have pictures of what I ate and I can't really remember what I ate.. but I think it was just rice and vegetables and stir-fried tofu with capsicum :D

No pictures for breakfast and lunch.

breakfast: oats (porridge) + sultanas and mixed nuts. I cooked it without milk.. lol it was surprisingly decent. I remember when I stayed in Malaysia, mum made oats (porridge) for me without milk... lol.. but I later on added milk in to make it creamier... and richer.. def yummer :D but without milk is pretty goood as wells :D

lunch: I can't remember what I ate :( !!!!!

dinner: vegetarian bibimbap + sweet potato with chilli :D

No pictures of my monday breakfast and lunch :( LOL! I should be more effective in my documentation :(((

breakfast: bread + honey and nutmeg spice :D YUUUMMM! + black tea

lunch: my leftover dinner from Tuesday i.e. veg bibimbap

snack: I made sweet potato soup, Malaysian version.. where you chop the potato in cubes and boil them in water and sugar :D YUMM I remember getting fed this in kindergarten in malaysia... memories.. :D I also had boiled corn :D

dinner: I had stir-fried spinach + bitter-gourd with tomato

OKAYYY let's not talk about foood now...

I just finished my second exam today! :D Jess and I were sitting for the same exam so it was pretty cool to just hang out with her before and after the exams :D ahahha such interesting conversations!!!! LOVEEE LOVEEE LOOOOVEEE! (lol, i hope ur reading this ;D)

So, in celebration of me ending completing a rather hectic week.. I'm reading the Lord of the Rings that Jess lent me :D YAYYY!! When I first came to Australia right... my friends were like avid sci-fi/fantasy book worms. lol! They would talk about Legolas, Gollum, etc. and crack 'my precious' jokes... LOOOL! I was like O.o whoooo the heck are these nerds? :D JOOOKES but anyways, i've grown to love them and they've definitely influenced me when it comes to reading books and watching movies (ESPECIALLY MOVIES) critically :D maybe... just maybe... some of their nerdiness have rubbed onto me


  1. Shona I love that cup! The one with the lipton tea in it :D

  2. ahaha yeahh it's the honey pot looking one that you were posing with, remeber? :D LOOOVE that picture
