Tuesday, November 29, 2011

V.D. Entry #3

It's so hard to control my eating ESPECIALLY on holiday with my parents.

The other day when my parents and I drove up to Sydney, we went to the city and had Korean BBQ and the day after, our family friend brought us to Bankstown for Viet Pho -.-" LOL such a fail on my part. It was even a weekday! That meant I was breaching my rule of eating meat only on the weekends. But I guess to make up for the intake of meat on a weekday, I didn't eat meat on the weekend :D so yeahh :D

I have pictures of the BBQ, we had in the city, but it's in another part of my house.. so I cbs getting it :D yeahh,, im lazy like that LOL! but here's one of the best korean BBQ I've ever had!

I'm going off to Malaysia next week, sigh.. just thinking of the food is driving me CRAZZZY!!! YAYYY!! can't wait for my Penang lemak laksa, lohbak, chi chong fan, wan tan mee, koew teow teng, roti canai, murtabak, tosai, cendol, durian, rambutan, mangostein, and sooohhh much moreee!! YAAYYYY!! CANT WAIT :D gonna be real happy! lol! But Im thinking.. it's gonna be real hard to keep to the vegan thing.. so.. I have no idea what to do lol. I'll prolly eat meat in the weekday if I have to (i.e. eating out with the relatives and stuff) but would concentrate on eating more vegetables :D AHAHA

Friday, November 18, 2011



I just went on facebook, and the first thing I saw was this picture of a puppy with stuff growing out of its ear. ZOMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG F***!!! now i'm just gonna have stupid bad dreams of puppies with stuff growing from its ears!!

like WTF! I don't wanna open facebook and the first thing I see is something that would give me a nightmare!!!!! GEEEEEEEZZZZZZZ!!! I know fb's a medium of communication. ie. not only social communication but political, environmental, humanitarial..?!?!?!? BUT ZOMGGGGGGGG, can people just chill on the pictures?!?!!?!?!? it's too scary! If I wanna read news I'd go to the online newspaper or watever! I go on facebook to update on friends and events NOT to look at a super infected ear of a puppy!!! I can go to the news for that!!!!!!!!!

ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG! how am I gonna erase the image from my mind!?!?!?!?!?!?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just because I can!! and cos exams are over :D

Exams are over for me!!!! WOOHOOOOO *crowd cheers*

I just finished my last paper at 4:30pm today :D YAAAY! It feels surreal lol (like always) because during the revision/exam period, I've been trying to control the amount of 'fun' I would be having.. like no kdrama, no book reading, no hanging out with friends, no late nights, no watching tv with the rents, no shopping, no beaching, no nothing!! NOW... I CAN DO WHATVEER I WANT! without feeling guilty :D

When I was in Sydney over the weekend for the concert, I was even thinking of my last paper.. -.-" it wasn't stressful or whatever, it's just that I was constantly reminding myself that I have an exam and I gotta study and stuff when the concert ended. I even brought my text book to the concert, so I can study while waiting for the gates to open -.-" !!! lol and see what happened to it!

yeahh... we lost our bag, and the fan girls and fan boys trampled on everything in the moshpit...! my nice book, tripled in size! The papers were all crumpled and coated with chewing gum, dirt, food particles and what not -.-"!!! It was totally unusable and disgusting.. so, the next day we went to kinokuniya, which is btw the BEST BOOOK STORE EVAAAAH, to grab my text book :D That's the new book in the bottom picture. LOL

lol, so anyways... now! After my last exam, it just feels weird.. surreal that I actually CAN watch my kdrama, variety show, read a book, start sewing, hang out with friends, go on facebook (without feeling like im wasting time) with total abandon! lol, now I can fulfill my plans for the summer :D first stop? watching a Bollywood film with Sharmeen :D YAAAAY! GIVE ME SOME AWESOME SONGS BABEH!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

KPOP Fest in Sydney

I'm in Sydney now with my sister, Hannah! :D

We went to the Korean Festival held at ANZ Stadium, in Olympic Park, Sydney. IT WAS DAEBAK!! LOL

Here were out excited-ness for the concert :D will update more later.. now i've gotta study for my Tuesday exam that I've gotta sit for when I get back to Melbourne.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

rain come again another day

The news is flooded with predictions of a tropical storm heading towards Victoria. Mum and dad are preparing to 'flood proof' our garage by stacking bags of unopened mulch at the foot of the garage door i.e. to create a barrier so that the water does not sip through the gap. Mum also got me to call Erjia (second sister) to come home by 6pm before the storm strikes between 6pm-7pm. She wants her home before the city floods up causing more delays for those that are heading home after work.

In Malaysia, we often experience tropical storms, especially in the monsoon season. I remember hiding behind our sofas and under our tables to hide from the 'storm' lol! I would dodge the light created by the lightning and run from shadowed area to shadowed area. lol! It was some sort of game I guess.. maybe as a coping mechanism to hide the fear that storms always create.

Even though it's nerve-wrecking listening to pelts of rain ramming into my bedroom windows, I can say that I am a fan of tropical storms because it reminds me of home- back in Malaysia. :D

On a side note, I've got this new app 'rain alarm' that gives notifications of possible rain!!!! that's how I got the images of the weather map above :D LOOOL! how cool is it?!

*images of storms from here and here

bestest feeling

One of my favourite event is receiving something from the post, this does not include bank statements, invoices, bills, etc. I mean things like online cosmetic orders, clothes orders, gadgets, etc. It's like receiving a present at the front door and it makes you feel special cos it's addressed to you. But I guess that's one of the 'disguises' of online shopping, i.e. we don't see the cash going that's why we don't feel as guilty when we spend.. maybe? :D ahaha

ANYWAY! Today mum walked in with a package under her arm and i'm like 'OOOWH! what's that? That's mine I think' anddd!!! IT WAS MINE :D (I love reading my name off the package). I opened it and my online dress came eheheh it's lighter than I expected, but It looks good :D.. tbh, i don't think it's worth the amount I paid -.- lol. But whatever,, i already got it. SEE! this is an example of how online shopping 'disguises' the amount we pay leading to overspending on items that can be gotten for less. lol! (I should create a post on the fail things I got from online shops)

I tried the dress and I love it :D so, I guess there's a consideration to the amount I spent :S but still.. the cheap in me is nagging me away.

Here are some pics of the bought dress :D

im happy :D.. I guess AHAHA cos I've got plans to wear this dress :D

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

1, 2, SNAP!

Found a google chrome app called pixlr-o-matic. It's an app that creates photo effects, vintage, retro, etc. It's easy to use. All you need to do is upload the picture, then choose the different styles :D

I tried it on a few pics

effects: julia & cyborg

effects: alladin & sand       effects: peter & smoke        effects: solomon & redrum

I think it's really cool how it has different visuals and stuff :D Def gonna play around more with it :D EHEHE I've got such pretty friends :D! love them all!

Monday, November 7, 2011

wonder reaction

I came across this video of this guy watching the Wonder Girl's title track 'Be My Baby' on the Wonder World album.

zomg, he's such a cutie pie just cause of his reaction. lol, apparently someone found an article of his reaction on a korean website. lol! Anyway, the video is pretty much his first reaction of watching the video :D

lol, it's so awesome seeing a white guy watching kpop and also groovin' to the musin'  ahaha

This is the english version of the song he was listening to :D This song is way more bubblish than their other songs. My first reaction wasn't that great.. lol.. I didn't really like it because it was too bubbly for their concept photos, but I guess it grew on me and now im loving it! AHAHHA! *so embarrassing.. can't believe im writing about this AHAHAH! but NO! i'm not gonna hide my kpop obsession ;D Anyway, the other songs are cooler and more 'in-tuned' with their concept photos.


Wonder World, the Wonder Girls' new comeback album for 2011 has been released!  GAHHHH i'm going crazy ahaha cos I LOOVE these girls, they were the first that made me fall for Kpop. Wonder Girls fans have been waiting for a comeback this strong for years! Their new album's totally different to their previous retro, cutesy concepts. The wonder girls have been residing in the United States to try to break into the Western market. As a result, I think their new album has a lot of 'American' sounds, like club music, heavy rhythm with a lot of vocals. They've definitely 'matured' their concept. It is exciting! 3 hours after releasing their album, (8AM KST), they've swept various korean charts holding #1 and also top 10-20 ranks for their other songs. They are definitely gonna out shine the usual Korean pop. 

Here's a couple of songs from their new album.

just keep stu-dy-ing, just keep stuuh-dee-ying

Hey! there are students that are diligent
No, there's no such thing as a diligent student. 'Diligent student' is an oxymoron

A part of a pretty funny conversation I was having with a friend at church.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere

I've recently started reading 'The Lord of The Rings' that was lent to me by Jess. In the book, Tolkien describes the geography of the land with such great detail that it makes me wonder about our own world and its creations :D. Images like the ones above leave me breathless of how great and beautiful God's creation is, that I'm actually considering going on a hike or something in the summer.. LOOOL! As some would know, I don't really like hiking or walking for exercise.. but I guess if it's to discovery more of God's beautiful creation.. why not? :D

take a step forward

The great thing about time is that it's always moving forward. You know that in troubles; one day it will be over. You know that in challenges; one day it will be in the past. I often hear young (i.e. 18-25 year old) people complaining about their age and how they are getting 'old'. To be honest, I don't think it is that a big deal because as time passes you learn more, you become wiser, you improve and you mature. So, embrace time! There is no point wishing you were younger, healthier, faster, etc. because you cannot go back. That's time. That's why it's so precious. I recently read a quote by Steve Jobs (I know a quote by Steve is a cliche now, but.. whatever :D) on an interview with MSNBC.com in 2006, it went like this "I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what's next". At first I did not understand, but now I really agree with what he said. It's like once you've overcome a challenge, don't spend too much time thinking of what you've done, you might grow proud and may feel resentment; wishing for the 'glory day's to come again. Instead just move and do greater things. Of course, sometimes people would reminiscent about the past and that's fine. I'm just saying stop looking back too often or else it will affect your ability to move forward.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

V.D. Entry #2

So, this couple of days has been a crazy pile of exam revision.. and I couldn't update on my new vegan way of life...

Anyway, here's a snap shot of what I ate these couple of days


breakfast: honey and bread (yesssssss im eating honey... just cos I don't think I can forgo honey when I've forgone peanut butter and nutella :(.. so don't kill me)

lunch: I had fried noodles with veg .. I only realised tht they were egg noodles after I ate them -.-" LOL fail..

snacked on tea and fried chips and peanuts in the arvo :D

 - dinner: I don't have pictures of what I ate and I can't really remember what I ate.. but I think it was just rice and vegetables and stir-fried tofu with capsicum :D

No pictures for breakfast and lunch.

breakfast: oats (porridge) + sultanas and mixed nuts. I cooked it without milk.. lol it was surprisingly decent. I remember when I stayed in Malaysia, mum made oats (porridge) for me without milk... lol.. but I later on added milk in to make it creamier... and richer.. def yummer :D but without milk is pretty goood as wells :D

lunch: I can't remember what I ate :( !!!!!

dinner: vegetarian bibimbap + sweet potato with chilli :D

No pictures of my monday breakfast and lunch :( LOL! I should be more effective in my documentation :(((

breakfast: bread + honey and nutmeg spice :D YUUUMMM! + black tea

lunch: my leftover dinner from Tuesday i.e. veg bibimbap

snack: I made sweet potato soup, Malaysian version.. where you chop the potato in cubes and boil them in water and sugar :D YUMM I remember getting fed this in kindergarten in malaysia... memories.. :D I also had boiled corn :D

dinner: I had stir-fried spinach + bitter-gourd with tomato

OKAYYY let's not talk about foood now...

I just finished my second exam today! :D Jess and I were sitting for the same exam so it was pretty cool to just hang out with her before and after the exams :D ahahha such interesting conversations!!!! LOVEEE LOVEEE LOOOOVEEE! (lol, i hope ur reading this ;D)

So, in celebration of me ending completing a rather hectic week.. I'm reading the Lord of the Rings that Jess lent me :D YAYYY!! When I first came to Australia right... my friends were like avid sci-fi/fantasy book worms. lol! They would talk about Legolas, Gollum, etc. and crack 'my precious' jokes... LOOOL! I was like O.o whoooo the heck are these nerds? :D JOOOKES but anyways, i've grown to love them and they've definitely influenced me when it comes to reading books and watching movies (ESPECIALLY MOVIES) critically :D maybe... just maybe... some of their nerdiness have rubbed onto me