Monday, October 31, 2011

i know i have been raging, but i want more

I don't like floppy handshakes. A handshake would probably be the first gesture when acquainting someone. It is the first gesture you give to someone, it is the first step in getting to know someone, it is the first presentation of your character to them!! Why would you jeopardise your first step to impress someone by giving a floppy hand shake? It's like shaking hands with a dead fish.

I personally find it annoying that some guys do not look into your eyes while giving a floppy handshake.. like first I need to put up with the dumb handshake and now he's not even looking at me.. why are we shaking hands then?! It's as if he's forced to shake hands; it gives off a reluctant attitude.. 

Maybe some guys think they should shake a girl's hand 'gently' because they are females. uhhmm... Wrong! There's a huge difference between 'gentle' and floppy -.-" and often guys take the 'gentle' way too much that their hands feel lifeless. Okay, maybe the type of handshake depends on the situation.. like at a bar or party the handshake would be less businesslike and more 'gentle' in a way where the guy would  give a palm-up hand shake to a girl, flirt, etc. And at a business meeting or something the guy would give a 45 degree hand shake to a girl (as well). Fair enough with all the different types of hand shakes. But, when these handshakes are accompanied with lethargic hands... it's just no deal. Actually, come to think about it.. guys with floppy hands wouldn't have the confidence (balls) to shake hands with a random girl in the bar. :D AHAHHAA JOOOOKESSS

Now, the most irritating kinda handshakes are from girls. ZOMG, girls who give 1/2 or 1/3 hand shakes? It usually involves them pinching (???) the first section of the fingers of the person they are 'shaking hands' with. Like this:

Gah, so annoying... zomg, such handshakes just makes people feel like shit. It's like saying they don't want to even know you and they are just honouring you by offering 1/3 of their hand. LOOOOL! I don't know why the heck they would give such a stupid handshake. They would just touch your fingers and release it leaving you to wonder if that 'was a handshake? or just a little pat on the hand?' Often right.. girls who give handshakes like this don't even intend to utter a single word to you. They are the ones who feel obliged to be acquainted with you. Seriously, no point wasting your time on such people. To be honest, I doubt such a person would even give time to you because usually after the annoying handshake, she would straight away turn around and talk to that guy who's hanging over her. Cos we ALLLL know what typa girl she is ;). So I guess she saves you the trouble of trying to have a conversation with her. GOOOD ON HER! :D The other reason why a person shakes like that might just be because they saw one of those above-mentioned girls shaking hands like that and think it's cool. LOOL! 

LOOL, ok imma shut up soon about handshakes. but DO NOT give a left-handed handshake. I remember shaking a guy with my left-hand and it felt awkward, like I don't know.. rude? Because I guess it comes from some cultures where the left-hand was used to wipe their butts and was considered 'dirty' LOOOL! im serious! Like in Malaysia, there is a culture of eating with hands, but they would only use their right hand.. because it was the 'clean' hand. lol! Anyway, the culture is quite deep and I think because of that hand-shaking was always done with the right hand..? maybe?

Ummm lastly :D ahahah! I can say that I can remember different handshakes from different people. Like a handshake is significant to me because I believe it's a reflection of the person's character. I can always remember a handshake that I like and those that I don't. DUDE I can even name names of guys with floppy handshakes, girls with idiotic hand shakes and others with confident and firm hand shakes :D (if a hand shake is significant to me, I'm sure it's significant to your future employer, business associate, wife/husband, etc.) So, I hope your hand shake is good :D OH BTW, a good hand shake is one that is not a dead fish and also not a bone-crusher. check out ehow on how to shake a hand ;D

*disclaimer. I am not saying that people with floppy hand shakes aren't nice.. it might just be that they are not confident and might 'develop' later on in their years.. but seriously! who wants to shake hands with a floppy fish?! Also about the girls with the 1/3 hand shakes? I can say that girls that HAVE shaken my hands like that I've found out to be irresponsible and non-reliable. Of course, I'm not ruling out the possibility that they might be 'nice'.. but I'm just saying that for someone to intentionally make another feel inferior at a first acquaintance would be quite proud and obnoxious. Okayyyy! all opinions are based on my experiences :D

Friday, October 28, 2011

V.D Entry #1

First day trying out the V.D. (Vegan Diet) :D

Breakfast- bak chang- which is a traditional chinese food made out of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings. The one my mum made had glutinous rice, corn, chick peas, pork (LOOOL! I know pork is meat and it totally killed the purpose of being vegan, but there wasn't alot of pork, just 2 pieces)
- bread roll with honey

Lunch - Half a mango with bread roll. YUMMMM, having fruit and bread is really yum, it's both simple and tasty :D

A friend came over to study today and she bought a KFC burger for her lunch -.-" my gosh, just thinking of KFC is making me salivate lol! Anyway, I guess this is one of the 'trials' of turning from a meat-lover to one that controls meat intake ahahha :D

Snack - cereal drink which surprisingly did not have any milk content! It was 'artificial creamer' lol! that had sugar and stuff. I forgot the proper names.
- 1/3 of breadtop naan bread (which had cheese inside T.T fml)

Dinner- Fried rice with vegetables and tofu with capsicum.

Today was kinda interesting because I was faced with so many chances of consuming meat, milk and cheese. and I did (!) have a little bit of cheese and meat, but only very little though FAILL T.T but still... :( I should keep to my new 'lifestyle' ahahha :D It feels good to know that I'm trying to keep to something and the achievement of that feels even better cos I can say to myself 'hey! you didn't eat meat! goood job :D!'

PS: maybe next time imma take photos of what I eat :D I'll try not to turn into one of those food freaks where they take photos of EVERYTHING they eat.


I extremely dislike it when third parties think they know more about my family or about myself. For instance, yesterday dad's men's prayer group came over to our place because this week was our turn to host them (the host house changes every week). And there was one guy, let's say John Smith, that our family is quite close to, but I haven't seen him in ages. Anyway Dad introduced me to one of his friends and said I was the tallest out of all the sisters, in his words 'youngest but tallest'. Then John Smith was like 'Hey Ken, I think your oldest daughter is taller.' Uhhh.. no. lol, I wonder how he would know who is taller since the last time he saw Lena was like... what? 6 months ago? Gah! I dissssslike that. I know it is really fickle, but still... it's just annoying how some people like to get involved just to prove they might know more than you.

I find it annoying when visitors park on the driveway. It's so inconvenient for the residents of the household to get out or come in! Okay, once again, this is in relation to my dad's prayer group. I came home from lifegroup finding 2 cars parked on our driveway. ZOMG I was really annoyed cos that meant that I had to wait for them to leave later that night and then come out of the house later to drive my car into the garage! I reckon this screams INCONVENIENCE. But you know what was even more annoying? When I saw Eleanor's car parked on the side street as well. OHMYGOSH! Now the majority of our cars, THE RESIDENTS OF THE HOUSE, were parked outside.. lol.. it's so annoying that I've gotta laugh. Okay, maybe people would say 'hey, they are guests you should let them park in the driveway' or 'hey, maybe they thought the cars were already in the garage' 'you should be more gracious'. Well, let me ask, is it that a huge privilege to park on the driveway? Is it so much more convenient to park on the driveway since it's 4 metres closer to the house than the sidewalk? And even if the cars WERE parked in the garage, what if one of us needed to drive somewhere because of an emergency? EVEN without the emergency, we'd have to disrupt the meeting to get one of those men to move their cars for us to get out. ZOMG now it's double inconvenience: one on us (the residents) and one on the men (the guests). Come to think about it, I've seen so many of this situations happening in the past. lol and guess what? (this is the funny part) asians are the only ones that park in the driveways. Taking an example from last night, the majority of the prayer group were all freaking asians! There was only 1 white guy there, but I think he carpooled with the other asians. Also, taking an example from today, an asian friend of mine parked her car on our driveway. coincidents? yeahhh it's more than coincidence.. it's asians.

new resolution: VEGAN diet

The first time I heard 'vegan' I thought it was a weird cult (No offence to vegans). I don't know why I thought it was a cult.. maybe because it sounded like it was stuck in the middle, like it's part of 'vegetarian' but it's not..? lol! Coming from my background and culture no one talked about 'veganism' or 'vegans'. We knew about 'vegetarians' since in Malaysia we came across many Buddhists that chose not to eat meat because of their religious beliefs. But 'vegans' we did not know.

I think, it was only in year 12 when my Indonesian teacher (who is a vegetarian) explained to me that vegans were vegetarians but in addition to that they do not eat any animal by-products such as eggs, butter, milk, etc. They also do not use animal by-products such as fur, leather, cosmetics, etc.

So, why am I writing about vegans? :D I'll tell you WHY! :D ahaha, I came across a youtuber who looks fineeeeeeeeeeee as hell. After watching some of her videos on her main channel, I checked out her vlog channel and there was a video of her diet and exercise. I was like 'O.O! Awesome! I wanna see what she does and how she does'. So to cut the long story short, she's basically on a vegan diet for 6 days of the week and on 1 day she allows herself to eat meat :D So, obviously she's not vegan (as we all know that vegans do not support animal by-products and the reason why she's on the diet was to look good and lose weight) .. It's just that she's on a VEGAN DIET. Now, after watching her video I was prompted to maybe try out this vegan diet for 4 days a week and maybe see if there's any difference in the way I look :D. Yesss.. the way I look. Yes, I shall admit that the reason why I want to go on this vegan diet for 4 days a week is to lose weight for the summer and for Malaysia :D ahaha once again.. quite self-absorbed :S.

This morning, I told my mum about 'changing my lifestyle' it went along like this

Mummy, I want to change my lifestyle.
Hahaha, what do you mean? Okay, as long as it does not cost money. 
:D Have you heard of 'vegans'
*worried look* Vegans? Is that a cult?
Noooo. It's about not eating meat and animal by-products like eggs and milk. I'm thinking of doing that 4 days a week and the other 3 days I can eat meat.
*worried look* Are you sure it's not a cult? You better not do it.
Nooooo. It's not a cult :D It is just changing your diet. 
It's cutting down on your meat. Okay, I guess.
YAYYY! :D Mummy, you know when you cook noodles can you---
No, I can not cook separately for you it's too much work. I don't mind doing it if all of us [go on that diet]. Go ask your father if he wants to [go on that diet]
Daddy ah? sigh He sure don't want to do it. Nevermind

LOOL! When my mum asked 'is it a cult?' I was secretly laughing inside ehehe. 

Anyway, the reason why I blogged about this, is cause I wanna do a series on 'my vegan diet' just to write down how I've been feeling that day and what awesome vegan restaurants I found and stuff :D OKAY! I shouldn't reveal too much. We'll leave it to another blog entry :D

Friday, October 21, 2011

mango lassi

I made mango lassi (!!) without referring to a recipe!

I blended ice, fresh mango, Indian yoghurt and honey :D

After blending it all together it looked remarkably like the actual mango lassi :D When I did taste it, it tasted like the actual mango lassi! DANG im so happy :D

I just got mum to try it and she's like 'O.O it's so refreshing!'

Anyway! I went online to check out a 'mango lassi' recipe, and guess what?! The recipe was the same. yay! So happy :D

Here's a picture of the drink :D

LOL! I forgot to change my bathroom clock to the daylight savings time and mum just found out. Damn, she's pissed cause she missed 'The Bold and The Beautiful'. LOL! Stuff these over-dramatic sitcoms... Mum has been watching it since I was a kid in Malaysia.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

coffee, berry smoothie

I just made a coffee and berry smoothie to wake me up :D

Since I am at home today studying :D it can of course get really boring and lethargic.. sahhhh.. I decided to change my usual smoothie to one that would include coffee :D
It is surprisingly goood! Here's a picture 

okay.. i know it looks disgusting.. but it tastes aweeeesome and... it serves its purpose of waking me up :D

curly fettuccine!

Mum was like 'I like spaghetti but I don't like pasta!' lol, and I was like 'what? they are the same thing....... -.-"' Then I had to explain to her that spaghetti was a type of pasta.. like how there are different types of noodles E.g. egg noodles, rice noodles, rice drop noodles, etc :D

My favourite pasta is... CURLY fettuccine! 'Specially the 'San Remo' one :) It's way funner to eat compared to straight fettuccine or straight spaghetti. ahahahaha :D
It was Lena who told me about it and ever since I've always LOOOVED eating it. Once I went to Coles in Knox to buy some and it was all sold out! Seems to me like everyone LOOOVED curly fettuccine :D

So, today Mum got me to drive to Safeway to get some pasta.. she was like 'If there is a special offer buy 2 packs of spaghetti' and I was like.. 'okaaaay, give me money :D'. I went to Safeway, and there WAS an offer! it was 2 packs for $3 and there were stacks of curly fettuccine! So, I bought 3 packs and 1 pack of macaroni, just cause I wanna do macaroni and cheese in the near-future. When I came home mum was soo pissed... -.-" just cause she likes spaghetti but not pasta -.-" ZOMG. Also, she said that I was 'becoming like (my) father' because I buy things in access ie I bought 4 packs of pasta when she wanted 2. AHAHAHAH!

Anyway! This was what we had for din din tonight :D

Saturday, October 15, 2011

No strings attached

I just watched 'No Strings Attached' by Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. It is surprisingly really good :) You should watch it :D

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm at uni today.. Studying is so boring, but you know what's more boring? Staying at home and not doing anything.. yeah.. that's what I did yesterday and the day before -.-" You must be thinking 'why don't she just study at home?' Well... It's super hard to study at home! because..
1) (If) I study in my room, I would just want to sleep and lay there and do nothing 2) (If) I study in the dining room, it would be too close to the living area and kitchen where mum and dad would be talking, cooking, etc and I would join them in conversation and not do any work.
3) (If) I go to the library to study it wouldn't be that fun because my friends would not be there cos they all have uni on Tuesday and Wednesday :( and I'd end up reading Women's Weekly, Vogue, WHO and other magazines..
4) I would start bringing out the musical instruments and play with them
5) Sometimes Josiah would be at our place, and he would distract me calling me 'Auntie Shoonahh?' eheheh with his cute little accent
6) I would "waste" time by going to the gym
7) I would start tumblring or blogging (like now.. 'cept i am in uni now lol!)
Basically, I'd get super distracted! Studying in uni is better :D because EVERYONE is studying around you! lol, there's like a collective act of studying happening around.. like a flow of studying energy that you can jump into :D

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

summer project?

So, as we all know, SUMMMER is on the way!!! just a few more weeks to exams then it's gonna be summer for freaking THREEE months! *crowd cheeeers! I just can't wait to get to it :D

Kim-anh was talking to me about her summer project with student life, on how the student life peeps would head off to the beach to do some local mission work :D I think that's gonna be awesome cos it's got such a 'serving' attitude, you know like.. just to go hang out with people, talk to them and be their friends. it's pretty cool.

So, being my selfish self ;D ehehe I've thought about what I wanna do for my 'summer project' :D Here's a list

1) attempt dyeing denim shorts :D
2) work my butt off to save for a pentax kr
3) exercise till I hate the gym for Malaysia

4) explore op shops around the outer skirts of Melbourne with the besties :D
5) Make a laptop case! (zomg, been wanting to do this for ages!)

games night :D

Sigh. Whenever I think of 'board games night' or 'games night' I subconsciously smile and my heart just warms up :D

The thing is that I don't really like board games.. ie MONOPOLY zomg kill me now!! but I just LOOOVE board games NIGHT! The fact that a group of people can gather TOGETHER just to play some stupid board games is absolutely fantastic! I am not a huge board game fan, but I just love hanging around people who (might also not like board games but) took the time to meet at a spot to play games and hang out with each other. There's always tonnes of laughter, competition and cheering which creates a tighter 'bond' between people. lol. *shrugs* I think so :D

so, without any more delay :D here are the pics of youth board games night we had in the holidays <3!


Hallo! Guten Tag! :D

Last Friday, two German girls came over to our place to stay. One of them was my dad's customer's daughter and the other was her best friend. The reason they came over was to get ready for an EPIC 8 month road trip around Australia O.O ZOMG how awesome is that? lol So, in Melbourne they got their Holden Jackaroo 1993 4WD, bank cards, lilos, GPS and everything essential for a comfy trip on the road :D

Our family spent like.. the whole weekend till today (Tuesday) helping them, hanging out with them, cooking for them, writing CV'se, etc. It was so fun and exciting because 1) THEY ARE SUCH AWESOME PEOPLE! 2) the house was way funner with more people in the house 3) we got to help them prepare for their AWEESOME trip .. sigh, gonna miss them :(

Here are some pics of thems with Eltan and I at Chaddy

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

texture and colour

I am loving this combination. It is a mixture of different textures, patterns and colour. Hmm next 'look' imma try is to combine diff textures, patterns and colour :D ! Awesome for spring, no? :D

Street Chic: Paris
Practice mixing media in your ensemble with varied patterns and textures.
Photo: Courtney D’Alesio

who's right?

I was driving home with dad tonight and I took a different turn that would lead to our house... zomg, caused so much trouble... Dadddy was like 'Where are you going?!" and "now where are we? what is this place?" -.-""" made me so pissed off.. I was so cranky and tired as I had to go all the way to Lena's house to pick him and take him home. Dealing with his bickering was way toooo much for me.. so we pretty much argued all the way home about whose way was faster.

It pretty much went along like this..

"Where is this place?"
" -.-"" it's high street road.."
"this is high street road? you have to U-turn here, the other way where you go pass Josiah's child care is faster"
"A friend said tht this way is faster... and he lives around here so he would know"
"Over here you have to U-turn,.."
"Well.. I am the driver and I can choose where to drive... the last time you drove, you told me the same thing!!"
"okay well then next time you drive, don't take me this way"
"WHAtT?!?! are you serious?? Geez.."
"Geez, geeez, geeez! that's all you guys say"
"WHAT? ok fine, we'll just test it out another time to see which way is faster. Is that allright?"
"This way is slower!"

(the same conversation went over and over again)

"you know what I learnt today? In australia people respect each other's opinions..."
"O.O!!!! wat??? in what way am I not respecting ur opinion?"
"you were so adamant that this way is faster.. when I already said the other way was faster"
"What???? I already said we'll just test it out next time..!!!!"

Zomg, tht was so annoying, anyway after coming home I ranted out to Eleanor and whatsapped Hannah complaining how Daddy's just so annoying, etc.. then I decided to check on google maps to see who was right and wrong... andddd.. here are the results :D

(my route)

(daddy's route)

SO! as you can see we were both wrong and right :D AHAHAHHA cos both routes would take 9 min and were 3.6km long.

anyway here are my lessons learnt

1) I am definitely my dad's child (LOOOL!) because we're always not wanting to lose and would try to prove each other wrong.. lol this reminds me of a monday incident when we were arguing if a certain street in Vermont South was one way or not.. lol I won that argument :D just saying.. ahah
2) It is okay to be wrong :D LOL! im not just saying that cos I got it wrong... (that my route was shorter and faster) It's just that.. when I went to my dad to show him my google map results, he didn't rub it in my face that I was wrong and in the end we just laughed about it.. so.. *shrugs* being wrong won't kill you (at least with situations like if it's diffusing a bomb or something then.. lol) :D

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

time to write

I recently dyed my hair! :D or more of bleach.. lol.. killed my hair :D
however, I love the result! or.. getting used to it. AHAH! idk.. im undecided whether i love or like it.. what do you think? Hmm.. ok let me be honest here... I kinda miss my all black hair... but the bleached thing is a change tht I like and alot of ppl have been complimenting/commenting abt it so.. :D i dont know.. hopefully i don't look so 'hard core' and scare people off.. -.-" hate it when that happens

Here are the before and after pictures

and then.... a few hour ago pics :D

HMM :) looking at these pics make me miss hannah :( will write a post on her later..